Everybody Has a Client

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In light of the upcoming holiday, REGULATED is trying something different this week. Everybody Has a Client! is our irreverent look at the proliferation of celebrities in cannabis.

Let’s be honest: it feels like everybody has a cannabis-related client in 2019! First, it was the lobbyists. Then the lawyers and CPAs got in on the action. Now, it seems like every actor, musician, athlete, and former politician has a client, investment, or endorsement related to cannabis, hemp, or CBC. So many big names are flocking to the industry that it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction. Can you?

The rules are simple: you just have to guess whether the named celebrity has a client, investment, or endorsement related to medical marijuana, hemp, and/or CBD. Tweet your score using the #everybodyhasaclient hashtag, especially if you can beat Christian's 7 out of 11.

Stream or download below or through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Google Play, or Stitcher.


Live from FAMU on the Future of Cannabis and Hemp


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